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What is iboga

Iboga is the most effective addiction treatment known to mankind, as well as an ancient physical and spiritual healing herb.we believe that Iboga is a God sent plant to mankind,to help treat ADDICTIONS regardless the unjust banned on the use of the plant by some countries.

We at Jarvis Iboga root barks ltd,we want to promote the use of the plant,in all forms because dealing with a substance addiction, whether it is you or a loved one, can be a terrible ordeal that puts a tremendous strain on you physically and mentally.

Ibogaine is a new therapy for chemical dependence that eliminates physical withdrawal signs and interrupts drug craving behavior. It is both a therapeutic and psychoactive addiction-breaker. It helps in breaking both drug and alcohol addictions.

It has been used for thousands of years for spiritual development and as a rite of passage into adulthood. Ibogaine is an effective of opiate,it is an addiction interrupter for most substances including heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine.Ibogaine alleviates physical withdrawal symptoms of opiate detoxification by resetting and refreshing the opiate receptor sites. no other known substance has shown this method of action,

Ibogaine is an alkaloid found mainly in the rootbark of the African plant Tabernanthe Iboga. It is often referred to as an addiction interrupter. Addiction is a complex thing, composed of different factors, some of which of course are out of ibogaine’s reach. It would be more correct to understand ibogaine as a craving and withdrawal interrupter.

In other words, an alternative iboga detox is fundamentally different from a standard detox: when you get out of a standard detox, you still crave drugs. When you go through the iboga one, you can be craving-free afterwards and, possibly, psychologically more open. More open for change. It puts you in POLE POSITION for the race to eventually become addiction free

The Ultimate Guide to Iboga: How To Extract, Use & Learn

Iboga (Tabernanthe Iboga) has a long history of use as a medicine and spiritual sacrament in central Africa. The legend goes that the forest people (pygmies) first discovered it through the observations of animals such as boar, porcupines and gorillas consuming the root. Iboga is used once a lifetime in a large dose in an initiatory ceremony by the Bwiti. The purpose of this initiation is for people to visit the spirit world and commune with the ancestors while seeking guidance for their lives.

Iboga is no pleasure trip. It lacks any kind of recreational attraction, and isn’t even intoxicating in the normal sense. Pleasure or thrill seekers look elsewhere. However, it has the capacity to be profoundly cleansing and therapeutic when used with care and respect.

The west knows Iboga for ibogaine and its addiction interrupting effects. In Africa they refer to Iboga as a master healer and has been longer used as a medicine and a spiritual sacrament. Iboga is not only effective at breaking addictions but also a powerful ally in breaking destructive habits and behaviour patterns. Venturing on a Iboga journey is a personal and therapeutic experience, and it will tend to confront you with your past and elements of your shadow. For many iboga takes the form of a teacher…it is direct yet not overbearing, both powerful and gentle, having a soft touch while being straight to the point.

While under the influence of iboga the user views themselves in a detached state. One is able to view their lives without the full emotional intensity and attachment such experiences may hold. This allows one to process things without being emotionally overwhelmed. Iboga provides a full brain defrag, while providing one with a thorough detox at the same time. It is a multifaceted plant that is physically, mentally and spiritually cleansing and grounding. Many people view iboga as a profound way of pressing the reset button on life, and to provide a fresh start to enact change. After taking iboga it is easier to move in a different direction and gaining new healing perspectives on life.


Iboga is dangerous in combination with many substances, so it is VERY important to abstain from all substances, including caffeine, for 24 hours prior to the experience. The combination with SSRI antidepressants could be lethal, and it is vital to have abstained from these at least 8 weeks prior to taking iboga as these drugs have a long half life in the body. Iboga can affect the rhythms of the heart, so anyone with heart abnormalities should proceed with caution and consult with a doctor, or avoid altogether. (Heart abnormalities can be screened for via ECG.) People with impaired liver function should proceed with caution or avoid iboga altogether.

Prepare your space so it is clean and comfortable. Light and loud sounds will be intrusive while in an iboga trance. Have a bucket within arm’s reach from the bed as a purge is possible. The experience is not remotely sociable, and is deeply personal and internal, with the visions taking place behind closed eyelids, with the iboga inducing a waking dream state. So it may be best to begin flooding in the eve, and experience the visionary part at night. Candle light is soothing. Some people prefer silence, but recordings of Bwiti m’congo harp music is recommended, it is an important component of the rituals in Africa, and may assist with the brain defrag facilitated by iboga. Good Bwiti music playlists can be found on Youtube. Have water close to hand, food is not necessary and you will likely not be interested in it until after the experience.

It is good to eat lightly on the day, and fast for 8 hours prior to the flood experience. Once you start consuming iboga you will soon lose your hunger or interest in food. One should drink water throughout the day, and a fresh vegetable juice is fine. A few hours prior to the experience stop drinking. You will be well hydrated now but excess water in the stomach when dosing impedes absorption of the iboga alkaloids.


A few grams of root bark can be ingested over the course of the day, to gently introduce the iboga to your system and get it resonating with the plant. The Bwiti are known to consume iboga over a few days.

Ideally it would be best to consume iboga under the supervision of a healer or medical professional experienced with iboga. Such an approach can be highly expensive however. It is important to have a sitter present, at least for the first stage of the experience.

During a flood experience one won’t have much interest in conversing with anyone, but in the unlikely event of someone needing assistance it would be good to have somebody trusted and understanding on hand such as a friend or family member. A shaman or guide isn’t essential – iboga has a unique character in that it is both the experience and the guide. Some people may find it tricky getting to the toilet, although using TA (Total Alkaloid) extract in place of root bark seems to cause a lot less ataxia and difficulties moving around when needed.

The effects of iboga can last up to 36 hours, and you’ll be lying down for this time, so best to be in or on a bed. Dizziness and nausea will strike if you move too suddenly, so move slowly when you need to. These feelings aren’t an issue when lying down.

Following the visionary period, there is a longer period of reflection and reintegration of lessons learned. The ibogaine is converted to noribogaine and as this builds up in one’s system it changes the experience, resulting in the prolonged afterglow, and very vivid tracers made by moving objects. One is in limbo between waking and sleeping. It can be good to have a few books on hand for the day after.

The experience finally ends when one can fall asleep, and the dreams are likely to be vivid and visionary. The brain is reset during this time and one should feel good on waking and will be able to move around with dizziness or nausea. A shower or bath is recommended on waking, and you’ll likely be hungry.

The Aftermath

Following the experience, the iboga is still working on you, it is highly lipophilic so hangs around in body tissues, gradually being released and converted into noribogaine by the liver. Ibogaine causes a long term increase in the expression of a protein called glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) a neuroprotective agent that also induces neuronal sprouting. This aspect of long term effects makes iboga unique. Thus taking other drugs in the months after the experience will interfere with this process.

Cannabis may be an exception to this, and has long been used in association with iboga in central Africa. Alcohol is safe but will reduce the healing influence of the iboga. Some people have used ayahuasca and kambo in the months afterwards and reported positive synergistic healing effects.

After the experience healthy eating, regular exercise, exposure to sunlight and nature will all augment and work with the healing and help ground one. Some people can feel quite blank in the days following a flood but this is normal as behaviour patterns and desires have been wiped clean, but this is temporary phase, and it can take a few days to really soar after an iboga experience.

If people are using iboga to treat addiction or change negative behaviour patterns, it is very important to enact life change prior to the experience, as this will help you get more from the experience, and make it easier to keep on a new path following the session. Iboga is not a panacea or magic bullet, it can only show you the door, and it is up to you to walk through it.


Microdosing with iboga can be another effective way of working with iboga and is a safe and controlled way of using the plant, easily incorporated into day to day life. This is recommended for anyone who wishes to take a flood dose of iboga, so one can get a feel for the plant, and test for the extremely unlikely event of an allergic reaction.

If consuming root bark, it is good to taste a little pinch of the plant first so you get a feel for the plant with all your senses. 500mg of root bark can be taken every four days as an anti-addictive and anti-depressant medicine (empty ‘00’ capsules work well for this). Total alkaloid (TA) extract can be used in tincture form sublingually, which is a highly efficient way of using it, being absorbed directly into the bloodstream. In whatever form iboga is used, it is important to state a positive affirmation, as this intent will direct the iboga’s healing to where it is needed.


For flooding I would recommend using TA extract. It has all the benefits of the ‘whole plant’ experience of the root bark, containing the full spectrum of alkaloids, but it is much easier to dose and easier and smoother on the body. It is also much cheaper than purchasing extracts or pure ibogaine online. TA produces much less dizziness than the root bark, and it is easier to move around on it. It easier to go deeper on it than the root bark, requiring much less material to be consumed. The other alkaloids work with the ibogaine to prolong, deepen and augment its influence, and are a welcome addition. Pure ibogaine seems to wash through the system more quickly, producing less of an afterglow than with TA or root bark.

It is recommended to save a few grams of root bark to ingest alongside the TA, to give an essence of the whole unadulterated plant. Some people like to stagger dosing, and take some every 30 minutes until the whole dose is consumed. I have found taking one capsule of TA, and then splitting the rest of dose in halves and taking 45 minutes apart works well. For people treating addiction, it can be worth keeping a little TA extract or root bark for use as booster doses in the months post session to prolong the window of iboga’s influence.

If people wish to work with the root bark, it is best to consume a gram every 40 minutes or so until the dose is consumed, or there is a purge or one believes enough has been consumed. Putting powdered root bark in capsules works well for this.

Once you flood it is important not to take another flood dose in the three months afterwards as this can be dangerous, due the residual noribogaine in one’s system. Taking small booster doses in this time frame of TA or root bark is fine.

A Final Note on Safety

Iboga is not to be taken lightly and has been connected to documented deatjhs on a number of occasion so We believe that in a loving context we at Jarvis ibogarootbarks will guide our clients to administer this with great care,cause certain psychedelics are powerful medicines with tremendous potential, but there are a number of physical and psychological safety concerns that one should consider before journeying with psychedelics. Please, please do plenty of research, and do not take psychedelics if you have reason to believe that they will not jibe with your personality or particular mental baggage (or if your family has a history of mental illness).


TA stands for "total alkaloid." Iboga TA is an extract containing all the alkaloids present in iboga root bark. The alkaloids can be extracted from the root bark relatively easily via an acid/base extraction.

Even weak acids such as acetic acid are strong enough to convert iboga alkaloids into salts. Vinegar (any vinegar will do, although clear white vinegar makes it easy to see what's going on in the solution) containing 5% acetic acid is sufficient.

  1. First, ensure that the root bark is finely powdered.
  2. Add the powder to a container, e.g., a glass jar, a ceramic bowl, a plastic bucket, etc.
  3. Then add enough vinegar to completely cover the powder. It is preferable to add more than enough vinegar than not enough. The free base alkaloids are completely insoluble in water, so will completely precipitate out of the solution.
  4. Mix thoroughly to ensure that all alkaloids are converted to their salt form (if using vinegar, they will be converted to their acetate salts).
  5. As an added measure, you may let the mixture sit overnight.
  6. Filter out the solid plant matter using a coffee filter, cloth, t-shirt, etc., and collect the liquid in a second container (in this case a glass jar may be preferable as it lets you see into the solution).
  7. Now add a base. Any base will do, ammonium hydroxide is ideal as it can be easily evaporated afterward. If one has trouble finding food-grade ammonium hydroxide, then sodium carbonate makes a good alternative. Sodium carbonate can be prepared from sodium bicarbonate by heating the bicarbonate to 50C. This can be done in a metal pot or in a solution. On adding sodium carbonate, effervescence (bubbling) will be observed. This means that there is acid present in the solution so keep adding sodium carbonate until no more effervescence occurs (meaning all acid has been neutralized). At the point when the effervescence stops, the alkaloids should begin precipitating out. Add enough carbonate until all alkaloids have precipitated out. The precipitated alkaloids may appear as black flakes, or brown powder.
  8. 8.The alkaloids can then be filtered out with a coffee filter and dried using a calcium chloride dessicating chamber (simply place calcium chloride in a bowl, put a piece of tin foil on top of the calcium chloride, put the alkaloids on the tin foil, then seal up the bowl with some cling film).

Another option or update about extracting ta or hcl

What you need: Plain white distilled vinegar, a stainless steel, ceramic, HDPE 2, or non-reactive container, janitorial strength (10%+) non-sudsy ammonia, distilled water, a funnel, coffee filters, old t-shirt, and the iboga bark.

  1. Take the bark, and make sure it’s as fine of a powder as possible.
  2. Add enough vinegar to thoroughly cover the bark. A good measurement for the vinegar is about 5 times the amount (volume) of vinegar to the weight of bark. In this instance 40g of bark times 5 would be about 200 mls of vinegar per soak. One may need slightly more in the first couple extractions to thoroughly cover the bark, and excess can be used safely, however it will lengthen the time of filtering later, so try and keep the volumes minimal.
  3. The bark can be stirred occasionally, and left to sit for at least one hour. Adding heat makes the bark harder to filter, and isn’t necessary.
  4. After an hour has passed, one needs to filter the bark from the vinegar with a cloth t-shirt. Squeeze out the bark to gather all the vinegar and save this. The bark is then returned to the container for another soak. This should be done 4 times to be sure to get out all the alkaloids. (One can taste the bark when dried to see if any bitterness remains, however, after 4 soaks, it seemed to remove nearly all the bitterness from the bark for me.)
  5. While letting the bark soak again, as in the previous steps, filter the collected vinegar through coffee filters. This can take a long time to filter, since the coffee filters clog easily, and may need to be replaced often. Have patience though. If you can leave it sitting in the funnel, with a filter, the juice will eventually pass through. This extra filtering isn’t 100% necessary but it will help remove all the finest plant particles from the solution, so the initial extraction will come out cleaner, so it’s a good idea, IMO.
  6. Once all the vinegar has been collected and filtered through a coffee filter, you have two options. The first would be to evaporate the vinegar a bit, by using low heat and a fan. Under boiling (do not boil!) is fine to reduce the vinegar, and will make it easier to deal with less liquid. A fan blowing over a heater vent worked well for me. You don’t want to evaporate it to thickness, though, just enough to make it easy to work with in a smaller container. The second option is to skip the evaporation and proceed directly to the next step, which can save time.
  7. Once you have all your vinegar collected, and evaporated a good bit, if you choose, you are ready to add the ammonia. You can slowly pour ammonia into the vinegar, to make it basic. pH papers/pens aren’t needed, but if used, just make sure the pH is above 10.1. Ibogaine’s pKa is 8.1. (from sources on the internet) As you add the ammonia, the solution will heat slightly, and you will see cloudy precipitate forming. You can add more ammonia, to be sure, as too much won’t hurt, it will just add to the amount of solution that needs to be filtered, which can take awhile.
  8. Now, if left to settle (can take a few hours), the precipitate (freebase total alkaloids) will sink to the bottom of the container. The majority of the clear solution at the top can be siphoned off, and filtered to be sure no precipitate is in it. If it looks clear (tea colored, still), not cloudy though, all the precipitate should have sunken to the bottom. By removing a large portion of the upper clear (tea colored) water, this will allow you to have much less solution to filter out your alkaloids. You can save everything you siphoned off and add more ammonia later, to be sure you got out all the freebase alkaloids, but it didn’t seem to make any difference for me.
  9. Now you can filter the muddy, alkaloid containing solution through coffee filters. Filtering this can take a good bit as the precipitate begins to clog the filter, but again, be patient, as the solution will eventually pass through the filter completely. This may take overnight, so don’t worry if it takes a long time. Once you have filtered the solution, you can set aside the clear tea colored water for later, to add more ammonia, just to be sure you collected all the precipitate.
  10. You should now have a coffee filter with all the brown freebase precipitate stuck to it. You should then add a liberal amount of distilled water to the filter in the funnel. You will THOROUGHLY rinse the precipitate with the distilled water to wash away any extra impurities (ammonium acetate). Again, waiting for the water to pass through the alkaloid coated coffee filter may take awhile, so just have patience.
  11. This precipitate can then be placed in front of a fan with a warm air current, away from UV light, and left to dry.

This is now your crude (estimated from Chris’ notes at 40-50% pure) freebase total alkaloid extract. This can be capped when dry and used as is, and should be much cleaner than the simple vinegar extraction. However, for those that want it more pure, there are two options.

First option:

  • Take the filter with the dried crusty precipitate and break up the precipitate to a fine powder. You can use the same filter, or take a new one and place it in a funnel that is plugged (I use a two liter bottle with the bottom cut off for a funnel, so capping the opening can seal it, but a finger may be used). Add the crushed precipitate to the plugged funnel and saturate it with vinegar to dissolve as much as possible.
  • Let the vinegar sit in the filter with the precipitate, maybe stir it around a bit in the filter, then let it drain through, and save the vinegar. Be careful not to poke a hole in the filter while stirring/agitating.
  • You can repeat with fresh vinegar another time, and collect all the vinegar.
  • Add ammonia to the vinegar again, to precipitate the alkaloids, which should be even cleaner this time.
  • Re-filter out all the alkaloids, rinse thoroughly with distilled water, and let dry as above.

This can now be used as is and should be even cleaner.

Second (more involved) option, for much more pure TA:

Okay so you have your brown precipitate in your coffee filter, now dried up, from the first portion of the extraction.

1: You now, take your acetone and add 15-18 mls of acetone per gram of freebase TA extract (brown freebase powder), and soak freebase in the filter with it. You can stir around the precipitate in the filter (again be careful not to poke a hole in it), and wash it two or three times with the SAME acetone. Do not go over 18 mls per gram of brown TA freebase, but be sure to soak as much color from the solid as possible. The filter should contain any bark crud, and any other impurities, when finished.

This will remove the alkaloids from the solid filtrand (insoluble plant gunk that’s left in the filter), since the freebase is soluble in acetone. Chris Jenks says about 50-60% of the crud is left behind as insoluble plant material.

2: Take your muriatic acid (hydrogen chloride in a water solution, aka hydrochloric acid in solution), and add it very slowly, to the acetone. You must do this drop wise, and watch as the precipitate forms. (One milliliter for each six grams of TA) is added in small portions, slowly, until the precipitation of the solid begins.

If you own a pH tester, when the acetone is at pH 6.1, 99% of the ibogaine should be converted to the HCl salt form, and precipitate out, or be caught in the tiny amount of water that the HCl is mixed with (with 1 ml of muriatic acid, the water is negligible). This can be filtered out, and the tiny bit of water separated, and left to evaporate to be sure to recover all the iboga alkaloid HCl salts (wasn’t necessary for me).

Adding too much acid with water can start to redissolve the iboga TA HCl. You can add a few drops at a time, and watch as the precipitate forms. When it stops forming, you can place this into the fridge, to chill for a few hours (overnight may be better), before filtering, and this will increase the yield.

3: Filter out the iboga PTA HCl.

This is nearly pure TA HCl, but there may be a bit left in the acetone, and other residual alkaloids will also be in the acetone.

You can evaporate some of the acetone with a fan and low heat (no flames please), then remove any acidic water from the acetone, and let it evaporate to collect anything there. (Drying the acetone with anhydrous epsom salts, aka magnesium sulfate, or anhydrous calcium sulfate, then filtering them out by pouring the acetone through a coffee filter can be done instead of separating and evaporating any extra water but doesn’t increase the yield much, according to Chris.)

Then treat the reduced (possibly dried) acetone with the muriatic acid again (a drop or two), and harvest any more crystals of iboga PTA HCl that precipitates. Filter it out as well and add it to the first precipitate.

Another option would be to gas HCl acid though the acetone to precipitate the iboga PTA HCl crystals, but this can be covered later, if anyone is really interested. I haven’t tried this with ibogaine HCl, but am pretty sure it’d work fine, although it is more difficult and requires a few more supplies.

4: (Optional and only needed if going for pure ibogaine HCl) If you would like pure ibogaine HCl, without the other alkaloids, you can take the iboga TA HCl crystals, and dissolve it in boiling ethanol.

The boiling ethanol should be added drop wise, just until all the ibogaine HCl has dissolved.

5: This ethanol solution is then left to cool in the fridge and the ibogaine will recrystallize.

This will make the ibogaine HCl form much more pure crystals and can remove some of the ibogamine/ibogaline if still present in the precipitate.

It is not necessary unless going for 98%+ purity, and repeated recrystallization can yield very pure ibogaine HCl, but can cost a bit of yield. The ibogaline and ibogamine have very similar action as ibogaine and may also provide similar effects, so are fine for using for a session.

(There are more added notes below for those chemistry nuts that want PURE ibogaine HCl.)

When this is dry, it is ready to take.

6: (Optional, for those who would like the PTAA) For those who want to recover all the alkaloids, so they can take a complete total alkaloid extract (or Purified Total Active Alkaloid extract, aka PTAA) of high purity, they should take the acetone that they salted/precipitated out the ibogaine HCl, and evaporate it in front of a fan with warm air current.

The resulting leftover alkaloids will be an unstable oil.

7: Dissolve this oil in distilled water.

You will again see the freebase residual alkaloids precipitate out of the water/ammonia solution.

8: Add ammonia to this water with the oil dissolved into it.

9: Filter out the freebase alkaloids, and rinse again thoroughly with distilled water.

10: Let the freebase residual alkaloids dry completely.

You can then add your freebase residual alkaloids to your PTA HCls, and capsulize it. Freebases will be converted to the HCl salts in your stomach, so turning them into the HCl salt before ingesting is probably unnecessary.

This Purified Total Alkaloid extract, or PTA, should be considered very pure, and a 15-20 mg/kg dose of this (mainly for addiction treatment at this level) is just as powerful, if not more so, as the pure ibogaine HCl, so estimate your dosage with this extract accordingly. This is powerful medicine and going higher than 25 mg/kg could cause complications, so don’t be a hero. This also lasts in the system for months, so it’s recommended not to take another flood dose within 60-90 days minimum, to be safe.