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About Us

We are researchers in plant and botany, iboga can be use to overcome addiction in life, and we are here to tell you more about it and even better sell it.Iboga is a God send plant to mankind to help addicts overcomes their addict lifes, we have been doing iboga for over 11years since it was something that we the bwitti in central Africa use for spiritual cleansing and perform ceremonies, so I found out we could do iboga in a more professional way by helping the world overcome their addicts life, so I'm very happy to be in this and I have been helping so many people with this and I pray I keep doing this. We are suppliers of quality iboga rootbarks from old iboga shrubs aged 6 to 15 years of age.

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Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 13-40-21 Buy iboga Buy ibogaine Buy iboga root bark
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1.5 grams
250 euros
Ibogaine Ta
1 gram
70 euros
Iboga root barks
20 grams
100 euros
Iboga Powder
50 grams
250 euros
Iboga seeds
20 seeds
for 100 euros
35 caps
for 70 euros

What is iboga

Iboga is the most effective addiction treatment known to mankind, as well as an ancient physical and spiritual healing herb.we believe that Iboga is a God sent plant to mankind,to help treat ADDICTIONS regardless the unjust banned on the use of the plant by some countries.

We at Jarvis Iboga root barks ltd,we want to promote the use of the plant,in all forms because dealing with a substance addiction, whether it is you or a loved one, can be a terrible ordeal that puts a tremendous strain on you physically and mentally.

Ibogaine is a new therapy for chemical dependence that eliminates physical withdrawal signs and interrupts drug craving behavior. It is both a therapeutic and psychoactive addiction-breaker. It helps in breaking both drug and alcohol addictions.

It has been used for thousands of years for spiritual development and as a rite of passage into adulthood. Ibogaine is an effective of opiate,it is an addiction interrupter for most substances including heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine.Ibogaine alleviates physical withdrawal symptoms of opiate detoxification by resetting and refreshing the opiate receptor sites. no other known substance has shown this method of action,

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About shipping

We do the following shipping method, DHL,EMS,Campost mail service

With DHL your package takes 2 to 3days to reach any location and costs €110. Ems takes 8 to 9 days to reach any location and it costs €85 while regular

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Terms and Conditions


The use of this website is subject to the conditions below, whether it is for historical, scientific and/or educational purposes or the ordering of products. Meaning that when you visit or shop at Jarvis Ibogarootbarks,you are agreeing to these conditions.


Information provided by JIRB via this website, or by its employees or the phone, fax, e-mail or other form of transmission, including any links to or from this site, is purely for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use of our products. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the information they provide you with. The use and application of our products are solely at the customer’s own decision, responsibility and risk.

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Hello Jarvis,I'm very excited today I start a new life due to your Ibogaine you send to me last time,I'm clean now and is grace to you.you're a great person Jarvis and I promise to be your brother and your best reference cause you're such a God send in my life. Thanks Bryant Smith. USA

Hey Jarvis treatment is going well I just popped out of the other side my detox symptoms have all but gone now and and want to thank you very much for being caring and concerned and you are a great friend to me and I'll never forget how you helped me get past this hard part of my life so as soon as I can get feeling a little bit better I will call you and then I'm going to start two talk to some people around here and see if they possibly could be interested in doing the same thing and we will go from there.Thanks very much.

Josh Scott

have you received my last email? your Iboga is very good I took Iboga again I ask to the Iboga spirit if he had a message for you,he said that you are doing a work that is important for all humanity and that you must continue to do what you are doing.He said also that you are a good person. Thanks if you prepare for me when I'll come to Africa! but I really don't know when I'll be able to do this trip I want to order some more soon, Is possible to have the same quality or batch?

Paulo crovatini. Slovenia

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Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 13-40-21 Buy iboga Buy ibogaine Buy iboga root bark